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Is That The Time?

1:30 AM, Nighttime Escapades

A Late Night's Passionate Disrobing

Stress Dreams

Yorkshire Tea and a Black Cat Named Neslon

The Ceaseless Gestures of Overlap (A Portrait)

The Mass Pike on a Stormy Sunday Night

Malevolence and Benevolence (Mirrored Faces)

Socially Drinking with my Painting at 3:00am

Summer of Radiology

Right Femur

Muddled and Disjointed Apprehension

Cardboard #23

A Myriad of Illusions (Notes on Grad School)

Cardboard #19

Cardboard #20

Cardboard #21

Summer of Radiology

Right Femur

Muddled and Disjointed Apprehension

Cardboard #23

A Myriad of Illusions (Notes on Grad School)

Cardboard #19

Cardboard #20

Cardboard #21

Summer of Radiology

Right Femur

Muddled and Disjointed Apprehension

Cardboard #23

A Myriad of Illusions (Notes on Grad School)

Cardboard #19

Cardboard #20

Cardboard #21

Summer of Radiology

Right Femur

Muddled and Disjointed Apprehension

Cardboard #23

A Myriad of Illusions (Notes on Grad School)

Cardboard #19

Cardboard #20

Cardboard #21

Mental and Physical Blight

Cardboard #17

Reaching For The Bottle

Palimpsest Notes

Studio Floor

Portrait of an Elderly Captain

Mental and Physical Blight

Cardboard #17

Reaching For The Bottle

Palimpsest Notes

Studio Floor

Portrait of an Elderly Captain

Mental and Physical Blight

Cardboard #17

Reaching For The Bottle

Palimpsest Notes

Studio Floor

Portrait of an Elderly Captain

Mental and Physical Blight

Cardboard #17

Reaching For The Bottle

Palimpsest Notes

Studio Floor

Portrait of an Elderly Captain

Mental and Physical Blight

Cardboard #17

Reaching For The Bottle

Palimpsest Notes

Studio Floor

Portrait of an Elderly Captain